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Powerpoint Presentations: Using Computer Technology

From Coopman, Stephanie J. and James Lull. _Public Speaking: The Evolving Art_ Boston: Wadsworth Publishing, 2008. 285-88.

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When used in moderation, presentation software can help you produce a more conversational and engaging presentations.` But remember: Presentation software will not give your speech for you. Nor should it be more prominent than you, the speaker. You give a "speech,' not a "PowerPoint presentation," and you and your message must remain the primary focal points.

To use digital slides effectively, follow these guidelines:

With presentation software, you have more elements to consider than with other visual media. For example, you can make visual transitions from one slide to the next and select special effects that animate your graphical material. These features represent real advantages over other presentation media, but only when you use them strategically and sparingly.
The general guidelines for visual design presented in Table 11.2 outline most of what you need to know about designing digital slides. If you use presentation software, keep the following additional guidelines in mind when designing the slides for your speech:

Powerpoint slides

Using Color
When deciding which colors to use for your digital slides, choose colors that produce high contrast or the greatest difference between the background and the type. The higher the contrast, the easier it is for audiences to see the type against the background, which in turn makes it easier to read. For example, designing digital slides using a dark background color like dark blue, and a much lighter color for the type, like pale yellow, provides a strong contrast. Sometimes it makes sense to match the colors of your slides to the event or organization, such as your school's colors for a presentation that concerns your campus.