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Questions to analyze narrative texts

Questions for the Analysis of Novels and Short Stories

  1. What is this fiction (novel or short story) about?
  2. Is this an autobiographical text? If so, defend your answer.

  3. What is the chronology of the novel or short story?
  4. What are the characteristics of the narrative voice(s)?
  5. Who is the focalizer?
  6. What is the basic conflict?
  7. Whose story is it?
  8. What is the narrative act committed by the protagonist that summarizes the story? (The protagonist X ________________)

  9. Why can we label (or not) this novel or short story as Jewish literature?
  10. What is the historical context of the literary text?
  11. Does the novel subvert, revise question or validate traditional values? Defend your answer.
  12. Why did the author write the novel or short story?
  13. How are sexual/gender roles assigned?
  14. Does the novel (or short story) present examples of cultural assimilation and/or cultural adaptation? Expand your answer.
  15. How does the literary work define Jewish identity?
  16. What role–if any–does religion play?
  17. Are there any ethnic values present?
  18. How does the novel deal with issues of National Identity?
  19. Why do we keep on reading the story?

Prof. John S. Brushwood designed this list. I have modified it to fit this course goals and objectives. MM