Grading rubric
Letter Grade Definitions
100 to 90 A, Exceptional
Student strongly exceeds all requirements as provided by the instructor. Addresses the question. States a relevant, justifiable answer. Presents arguments in a logical order. Uses acceptable style and make no grammatical errors.
89 to 80 = B, Above Average
Student completes all requirements as provided by the instructor. Doesn’t address the questions explicitly, although does so tangentially. States a relevant and justifiable answer. Presents arguments in a logical order. Uses acceptable style and grammar.
79 to 70 = C, Average
Student completes all requirements as provided by the instructor. The work products reflect basic comprehension of class objectives and work is completed to meet requirements only. Doesn't really address the question. States few relevant answers. Reveals some misconceptions. Is not clearly or logically organized. Errors in grammar and style.
69 to 60 = D, Poor
Student does not complete all requirements as provided by the instructor. The work products fail to reflect basic class principles and demonstrate lack of comprehension of course material. Written work and assignments are incomplete, poorly crafted and show a lack of attention to detail.
59 to 0 F, Failing
The work products fail to reflect basic class principles and demonstrate lack of comprehension of course material. It shows a lack of attention to detail.