Midterm exam

Dr. Manuel F. Medina
ML 260
Fall 2019

Midterm Exam
Date: Monday, October 21
EXAM: worth 20% of the final grade


1. Five (5) of six (6) short questions about the short stories, film and novel. (8 points each, 40% grade)
e.g., "One of These Days is Whose's story?" Defend your answer.
What is "The South"'s basic conflict? Defend yor answer.

2. Two (2) essays. (30 points each; 60% grade)
Use an essay traditional structure: 1. introduction where you present a thesis statement, 2. arguments and 3. conclusion where you summarize the main points.
Sample question: "Explore the representation of Colombia during the Violence as depicted by the narrators in “One of These Days” and “Just Lather. That’s All.”

What would the exam cover?

Prepare answers to the questions of analysis (see website for a copy). The section one of the exam questions will come from that list as the apply to each story, or novel we have studied in class.
The exam will cover the material study until now: